Saturday, February 7, 2009

Winter loosens its hold

There is a flurry of activity in Wisconsin when the weather warms up for the day. People venture out on errands left undone during the bitter cold and we all emerge like hibernating bears, hungry for fresh air and sunshine.

The dogs were almost in disbelief that they were going to be out for the day, but wagging tails and happy smiles quickly appeared.

Being very much of the mind that sharing one's life with dogs requires thought, I filled my pockets up with dog treats for our walk today. And Domino stuck to me like glue the entire walk.

I still think it is very gratifying to see Domino looking so spot on healthy. He makes my heart feel good when I look into those eyes and see a dog sure of his place in the world. Such different dogs those two are, but they each hold a special spot that is all their own.

We wandered on and off trail. Domino and Charm sometimes walking in my footprints as the footing is slippery and difficult as the snow begins to melt.

The trees remind me of a documentary I once saw about Henry Moore, the sculptor. He said he was often inspired by walking in the woods after a storm, the fallen trees were his inspiration.

Although I took along a star filter, there was little of the classic melt to photograph and the snow seemed to be dissolving into slush rather than producing the drips I had hoped for.

We took detours down all the deer trails. Me climbing over and under fallen trees while the dogs rambled on ahead.

Leaving some of our more traveled trails for another day, the dogs returning time and time again to see if they had earned a treat.

At the upper lake, the water lay in puddles on top of the ice. The dogs have learned to steer clear of the ice on our hikes, which brings some peace of mind. It is best to teach them when the ice is solid so that they don't make the mistake of attempting it when it begins to thaw.

We followed crisscrossing trails, not exactly sure where the real trails were in the snow.

The dogs dug holes in the snow banks while I enjoyed my own detours.

My trails were marked by tufts of deer left behind by their makers.

The sunlight coming through in weak streaks while a chilly wind reminded us all that winter has not given up yet.

The squirrel nests have survived every storm winter has delivered and their architecture is highly underestimated.

The fallen leaves are sort of "in house memos" reminding me of how much the canopy controls the life of the forest.

Charm is thrilled to have Domino to explore with instead of tracking him down on his explores.

So happy she spends a good amount of time charging up and down the trail doing her own pit bull imitations.

The light falls quickly and Domino stays so close he runs into me from behind from time to time. Its amazing how a pocket full of dog cookies can make squirrel chasing pale by comparison!

It is sometimes funny on our walks, I find myself smiling over this shot or that and more often than not the reward is a lot of wasted memory card. As in searching for unicorns, sometimes it is the quest that is important.

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