Thursday, March 26, 2009

After the storm, signs of spring...

After running errands we took advantage of the calm after all the wind and rain, walking through a forest which looked like a demolition zone with fallen trees and branches and the bark literally stripped from trees and hanging here and there throughout the forest.

Cardinals flitted here and there and a woodpecker followed along with us on our walk.

Puffy clouds lingered and from one moment to the next the weather was unpredictable.

The tiger lilies now will be unscathed by anything nature throws at them.

The trail was flooded and of course that meant that Charm and Domino had to race through that for quite some time, being thrilled to kick up water and mud. There is nothing Domino loves more than mud!

The light had that odd polarized feel that always means that spring has indeed checked the calendar.

When the ice truly starts to go, it goes fast and what is here today may be a memory tomorrow.

The ice appears with fall leaves and leaves with fall leaves.

And the emerging water creates optical illusions which confuse one as to which is the real rock and which is the reflection.

If I did not have places I had to be I might have lingered for quite some time, watching the shifting light.

I have always been fascinated by the water surfaces through the seasons and the best shots are those that you stay for a long while, but even a quick detour was worthwhile.

Of course we had to climb to relish the view for a few moments.

And Domino decided that it might be interesting to explore the cliff a bit and do some rock climbing.

Perhaps that is one thing no one ever mentions about pitbulls...they are really great rock climbers, if they can get a small toehold they can pull themselves up anything. I have watched them in more heart stopping positions than mountain goats and they are very competent climbers.

Coming back the pale sun peeked through and lit the forest in the most unusual way.

A bit like fall colored with the clear light of spring. But we were soon on our way to finish up our walk.

After stopping to watch the trout feeding, dogs and I were off to finish a multitude of errands.

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