Thursday, April 23, 2009

Domino mud diver and GSDs at large

Ever have one of those days where you're just not getting anything done? I seem to have those more often as the days grow longer...could it be spring fever?

I decided a few errands and a walk were better suited to the weather than sitting on a computer trying to decipher the maniacal language of tech support...(you guys at the know who you are).

The dogs were a bit like turbo charged super balls after being stuck inside in the rain, but at least these days its sort of like controlled chaos.

I would say they were in high spirits, but for pit bulls, that might be redundant to say the least.

I am pretty convinced Charm is the instigator of about 98% of the shenanigans. I was super proud of my dogs.

We were heading up the trail when Charm gave one small woof.

Careening down the trail were two huge german shepherds who ran into Charm and carried her with them to the edge of the cliff. Domino just stood in surprise. The owner was close behind, trying to get his dogs. Domino just proceeded with doggy greetings even though one of the shepherds was very out of control.

After many apologies, the owner got his dogs under control while my two stood and waited calmly. I almost had a heart attack envisioning Charm pushed over the edge.

I realized in all the time I have walked here, my dogs have never bothered a single dog. And it was Domino's calm demeanor that brought the energy down several notches.

So trespassers aside, I was very proud of my dogs and the trespasser acknowledged my dogs' good behavior. I think Domino thought he might have met potential playmates, but he listened pretty well.

So I was very proud of my dogs staying calm in a scary situation.

And maybe just a little proud that I didn't panic at the sight of stampeding german shepherds! And remembered to divert my attention from the colliding dogs. Beautiful dogs though. And very proud that my dogs returned to my side when they heard them up ahead. Sometimes all that training seems to pay off.

So I didn't even yell at Domino when he decided to take a mud bath, and for anyone who doubts that Domino can take mud's living proof!Note the wagging tail!!!

And the best part...when I got home I ordered them both into the shower (for the first time) and they dutifully marched in without complaint. My car, however...BIG SIGH!

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