Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

People sometimes raise their eyebrows over my crew...there's always that..."You have enough now, right?" When I think back over the course of the year, many of my absolute best memories are of the ways rescue animals have touched my life and the lives of others.

There's the transports and the amazing feeling of being on the road with canine travelers ecstatic at the sight of the open road and freedom. The teary farewells at their destinations. And the joy of hearing about their new lives in new homes.

There's all the rescuers putting forth amazing effort to save just "one more" and the successes and heart aches that go along with it.

There's the advocates who have put it all out there to add their voices to what has become a loud and determined voice to speak for those who cannot.

How can I not view the high points of my year without my own rescue stories? All the scrambling and excitement of bringing Domino from his rescue in NY to Wisconsin. Watching him bloom into the happy, healthy, confident dog he is today. And how amazing to have him at the Shelter Trek, raising money for other homeless dogs! Life without Domino? Unimaginable.

Of course, there was the summer of agility with rescue dog, Charm. Surrounded by purebreds, she proved that shelter dogs can hold their own, even if they are pit bulls.

Aw, and last but not least, little shelter cat, Fable. At under a pound, this tiny little orphaned feral girl was fortunate to end up at the shelter...and now she is a very beloved member of my crew.

My own crew are reminders that it does matter to that one life when we step up to the plate. For all those who say, why bother, there are too many to help...I must say I am so glad that there are people who do not turn away. My thanks to everyone who does their part, by donating time, money, resources or just getting it out there for the world to see. We can't save them all, but together we make a difference.

Thank you to Kathi for putting this great video together! Look at the faces of some of those who were saved in 2008. With the help of everyone, maybe we can make a bigger difference in 2009! (Thanks Maria for passing this on.)

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