Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slices of sun

It's impossible to convey the size of the leaves we rustle through on our walks. I could hold some across two hands and they would still be too large.

The ground is littered in spots now with seemingly live leaves which have lost the battle with the wind.

There is a sense of holding on throughout the forest.

One must wonder if the holes are remnants of insect attacks or signs of the devastation of the weather.

Where once they were swaying fields of wildflowers inhabited by insects of every kind, now only bare skeletons sway drily in the wind.

Fallen leaves come to rest among things which have endured the changing weather.

Dry leaves come to rest like alien sculptures.

The wind becomes an artist by chance.

In some instances the work is inspired and in others carries an air of blight.

Beneath the canopy, a dusky light provides dark backdrops.

A leaf holds the impression of one that rested on it for awhile, light creating a perfect outline.

Some places it appears as though a natural holocaust has occurred.

By the lake, the ancient willow tree still dangles its curtained branches over the water.

Looking up from below, the branches cast dark silhouettes against the sunlit cliffs.

The line of the setting sun starkly defined.

And the line between reality and reflection blurred.

Creating the serenity that only fall brings to the lake.

The visibility below the surface disappears as it transitions into the mirror of fall.

Domino emerges from yet another plunge into what must now be frigid water.

We continue our explore in search of signs of life.

But light has overtaken everything and prepares for another sunset program, full of flame and fire.

Painting everything with a wash of color.

And even the smallest things take on center stage.

In the distance, Charm looks back, caught up in her own adventures.

But soon I have to round them all up to begin the trek home as the light drains quickly.

We stop to load up with firewood for the trip home. Accomplished, windblown, content...the dogs a bit reluctant to tear themselves away from what they must consider the most perfect of days, it is home again...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hints of sun, shadow and night skies

The dogs were so beside themselves to be on their way out today. The sun was out and though the wind was cold, it was a gorgeous day.

I passed a nest blown from its tree top on the trail.

The stark white mushrooms still poke out beneath the fallen leaves.

Or emerge from trees.

Fallen leaves impale themselves on twigs. One must wonder at the force of a fallen leaf for such a thing to occur.

Ripley and Charm stop for a moment at the lake for a cold drink while Domino runs full speed up and down the trail with total exhilaration.

The light has already faded in the forest by the time we are out in it, creating silhouettes against the sky.

Sunset light colors things in strange shades that defy the camera.

Colorful landmarks mark our trail.

And just bits of color cling here and there.

The upper slope offers mini alpine views so rare in Wisconsin.

The setting sun lights the tree tops on fire with an orange glow.

The fields of wildflowers are now decimated by the north winds gusting noisily along the summit.

A feeling of winter is descending before it seems fall has completed its work.

Overhead the clouds are stretched into long shapes by the wind and the air is filled with the sound of crows arguing among the trees.

Very few of the more fragile things have survived the wind the past few days.

In some places the branches shine in the light, now revealed and in their own glory.

The vines are always the first to appear and the last to go.

The setting sun paints everything with the most surreal light.

Charm and Domino play tag through the trees, bounding into view every few minutes.

While I am mesmerized by the setting sun, so small in the distance.

Under the canopy, the last few trees perform their dance of fall, glowingly backlit.

And monstrous mushrooms seem to stretch toward the diminishing sun as night falls.

Ripley and Charm play along the trail in front of me while Domino zig zags behind us. But all are happy to jump in the car for the ride home, shaking the fading light from their fur with eyes filled with the crisp, clear glow of fall.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Flurries, Furries and Fallen Leaves

We left our toasty fire in the very competent care of Mad Madam Mim.

To venture out into a world of biting winds and snow flurries.

Bundled up for harsh temperatures, the wind still stung. But there is such beauty this time of year when the air is clear and the light like crytals.

Leaves take center stage even though the most vivid colors have now faded and the forest is filled with fallen leaves which have not made the color transition.

The forest has indeed missed the vibrant shroom-filled days of last year, and only the most common sorts are in abundance.

Leaves pale and shrivel on the branch without much fanfare.

Leaving behind skeletons of their former selves.

As we pass through the forest, it is like walking through a showroom. In one place the leaves are all this color, in another they are all another color. It's like nature's carpet showroom.

The wind was from the north which meant the lake was sheltered and not a ripple touched its surface.

What was overshadowed by more brilliant colors last week, now comes into its own.

There are a dozen stunning views along the trail as we climb.

And remnants of fall's heyday beyond every corner.

It is like the skeletons of the forest have begun to emerge.

And now the view from above begins to change more dramatically.

And light fails quickly.

Domino decides against a dip in the water at last and the wind makes me squint. Chilled to the bone already.

But reminded that the cold is but a facet of this time of year and the rewards of being out in it are many.

The dogs enjoy the cold and probably secure in the fact that they do not have to be out in it for long.

The boulders which once offered such warmth to all that grows here, now are cold and heartless.

Water collects in pools which a month ago were rapidly evaporated by the sun.

I forget when sitting indoors how much I love being out in fall weather.

It has its own sounds and smells and wonder.

Our time was cut short as Domino had to go home to get ready for his last obedience class and graduation. All he had to hear is its time for dog school and he was the first in the car.

So off we went with Marja and Ra to finish up the session and receive our diplomas. Marja and Ra were happy to get their diploma and special treats for Ra.

And of course, Domino and I, were happy to finish up...that is 13 weeks total Domino and I made it through. What a great way to get acquainted!

Working with dogs, walking with dogs...two major things I will remember this year for. And Domino....Pit Bull and Proud, of course!!!!!!!