Monday, March 30, 2009

Sometimes you wake up with a feeling...

From the moment I woke up and looked around at chores and work done, I knew it was going to be one of those days. And sure enough, a dog emergency at a shelter had me emailing and calling trying to save one very sweet perfect dog and after hustling I was thrilled to make the last call and be told by a very cheerful shelter worker that he was being adopted as we spoke. What a close call for that little guy! I am so happy for him! But what a heart attack he gave me in the meantime! Saved in the nick of time! I hope you got a great home, little one! So after that it was time to scoop up my own dogs and get out.

It was such a pretty day. Chilly but gorgeous sun and clean and crisp.

Both dogs well in tune and making me smile with their exuberant antics up and down the trail.

Some days I am so glad to have so much work out of the way that I can enjoy these afternoon romps, It's a big motivator.

Domino are onto longer rewards so he doesn't get in the habit of zooming in for a treat and taking off, now it is about distractions.

I was well pleased with the progress and our walk just settled into a lazy pace. Standing looking up at the cliffs, something caught my eye, but even zooming in through the camera lens, I could not make out what was making me look twice...just something different.

So we continued our climb and Charm woofed once but seemed unconcerned. Suddenly two vultures took off form the cliffs where they had been sunning themselves.

They are so amazing and I love watching them all summer using the heat from the rocks to gain lift.

I was sorry to have missed them sitting on the cliffs with their wings spread catching the sun, but I continued on and then a third one joined them in flight.

Oh those missed shots, so rarely do you get a second chance and to miss it was sad.

But Domino caught my attention seeking a way down the rock face. What is up with that, Domino? You are not a mountain goat. Maybe his nose is telling him that there are interesting things living between the boulders. Luckily Charm doesn't have much interest in rock climbing.

We stayed for awhile watching for the return path of the vultures as they climb in circles, but they were mere dots in the sky very quickly. So we had to settle for more mundane views.

And bare trees without even the first sign of spring.

But there was one sure and reliable sign of spring...Domino flopped down in the mud to cool his tummy. Aww, the beginning of many days of a muddy Domino.

Another day well done, another happy ending.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The pitch and roll....

I have often heard it said "If only dogs could talk". I am content with the way things are because I have a feeling that if my dogs could talk, the most common words I might hear are "Are we there yet?" Some things are made just right and dogs are one of them. So though we stepped out into the sun to be greeted by blustery winds, we were off for a hike.

I think that is one of the best things about the forest this time of year, it is never that windy inside it.

I like weekend hikes. They are pleasant breaks in the weekend chores and I don't think there is any amount of dusting or cleaning that could supercede them.

Some trees glow like bleached bones in the sun, stark against the sky.

And both dogs enjoy romps in the open water along the edge of the lake and neighboring pond.

Some days just are for smiling.

It did snow all night but most of it did not stay, just here and there in the shady places.

Its that brief time of year when the entire forest is open to explorations and neither snow nor mosquitoes keeps us on the trails.

And though the snow flurries this time of year are maddening, they have less and less effect on the awakening forest.

I think all of us check the ice with anticipation, hoping that the water wins out soon and Charm can get back to swimming.

Domino seems to have an explorer's spirit and I think he would be very at home in the Rockies.

He checks out every possible pathway through the rocks.

I think that is one of the first things he ever did when he arrived in Wisconsin and he hasn't stopped since.

Charm on the other hand has always viewed rock climbing as a good way to dry off between swimming.

Either way, it is definitely a dog's paradise.

I am bemused by the actual heat the sun is generating on the top of the cliff, the ground warm to the touch and holding heat long after it is gone.

A swarm of small gnats crosses our path and for a moment I am confused until I realize they are the first insects to emerge.

It must be that spring is finally taking hold in between the snow storms.

The dogs run back for treats a million times and Charm tugs on the treat bag occasionally. Usually she is off minding her own business but today she seems intent on keeping Domino close by and she herds him back countless times.

Jumping on his head and blocking his way and then sitting patiently to be rewarded.

I think this is a good year to consider some more ambitious hiking plans. It is very good to see the dogs slowly getting back into shape after a long, hard winter. They are both losing those winter pounds.

It seems like a very long time ago that the pits came into my life with all the joy and heartache that only pits can bring. The joy comes from living with amazing, intelligent dogs. The heartbreak comes from knowing how many people out there would prefer to see them dead. We just carry on the best we can.

Perhaps all I can say is our world seems to be a happier one than a lot of people's.

Walking back the wind rolled through the tree tops sounding much like the roaring surf, so much so, that for a very brief moment I could smell the salt air. The pines creaked on their gaunt trunks, knocking together and bringing to mind the sound of wooden ships creaking and groaning in a harbor.

But we were off leaving that brief glamour of the ocean far behind, kicking through the leaves and grounded in Wisconsin.

Some people may have God as a copilot. I sort of prefer mine.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sometimes the cold can warm you...

Three layers and a heavy jacket could not ward off the cold on the beginning of our walk today. In between shots I had to warm my hands in my pockets. Even so Domino led me on some interesting detours, he seems to have a sense of where to find the best shot.

The forest is full of cardinals now, their distinctive voices giving them away but they are elusive as ever, so I eventually give up on capturing one on camera and resort to easier targets.

Domino continues with his training and happily dashes back to collect treats all along our walk. Its worked well to keep him from being so distracted.

Sometimes I stop just to admire the blue sky above the trees.

And sometimes the setting sun between them.

The chilly temperatures have laid a new thin layer of ice over the open water.

Even so, the chill is soon forgotten by all of us and we spend our time just relishing the crisp air and the sound of crunchy leaves and bird songs among the trees.

Sometimes I stop to throw fallen branches off the trail as though picking up after some elemental party, the wind has really left its mark everywhere.

And sadly even some forest giants have not been strong enough to withstand its blast.

The dogs turn back impatiently wondering if I am ever going to get moving at a pace they would like to keep.

As this is the first spring without our old girl, Ripley by our sides, we are able to explore on the more sheer drops on the cliff without worry. The pits have proven to be sure footed and cautious.

The views are best from these dizzying perches.

And I decide these will be great spots for lazy afternoons in the summer.

Perhaps this year we will make use of the more rocky trails.

The dogs are happy to finally be allowed to go where they have always been cautioned to avoid and they stay along the rock walls.

Oddly enough the wind drops atop the cliffs today and the sun seems to be intent on creating waterfalls even though the lake has frozen below.

Its oddly quiet and I realize that all the insects are still missing, I really look forward to the dragonflies and bees and all the other flying things that love the tops of the cliffs. Though there is activity enough with two happy dogs.

Where Charm goes, Domino is right behind.

Though they do sometimes pause to check out the forest down below.

Or perhaps to discuss their next move.

Whatever it was, it must have been a fun idea.

I'll never know for sure.

Regardless we set off back down the trail, much warmer than we all started out.

Wondering if there are any surprises along the way, but all I spot is an odd perfectly round hole drilled in a tree.

And its not until we return home that we capture any wildlife at all. The house sparrows have returned.

Just another walk in the forest, another romp with the dogs...but I can't think of a better way to end the day.