Saturday, November 1, 2008

Around the corner of my eye

It was summer today for a whole glorious day full of warm breezes and sunshine and even some flowers blooming. Fall unfolded around us all oblivious to the fracture in its facade.

Today we set off down a different trail in search of Domino's elusive back pack which one would think would be visible with all the green gone from the forest depths. But we had no luck in tracking it down.

Domino and Charm were pit bull kamikazes through the forest while I wandered.

Shooting pictures and chatting with a friend and in between enjoying the warm wind that poured like caramel through the forest.

Here and there pausing to squeeze my way between fallen trees.

Charm's barks sounded through the woods but I never did catch sight of what she was barking at.

And Domino was a blur through the brush, black and white now a stark contrast through the trees.

Somewhere in the tree tops, an owl's cry filled the sky and it took me a moment to connect sound to bird.

And though I made a mental note to see if I could catch him taking flight in the dusk, I as quickly forgot as I meandered.

So my shots were just snapshots and punctuation marks to conversation.

Very literal impressions of all I passed.

We spent extra time lingering by the water's edge and Domino made full use of it, though Charm declined.

Just standing there for a moment always gives me such a sense of peace as it has been the place of so much contemplation for so long.

I urged Ripley up and we began our climb when we realized Domino and Charm were way a top the cliff looking back down on us.

The sun visibly dropping as fast as we climbed.

And the owl to our right somewhere out of sight, screeching in a sort of grumpy, annoyed manner.

Clear light took on that pre-dusk glow.

And Ripley and I were hard-pressed to keep up with wrestling, tumbling, pouncing pits.

Sometimes it seems that everything in the forest is as in place and familiar as the things in my house.

And the setting sun brings that same sort of welcome homey glow on days like today.

The coniferous trees have gained such a foothold these past two years. Tiny baby trees popping up in every nook and cranny on the upper slope.

We lingered long and returned quickly as the sun began to paint the sky in pastels.

I filled the car with yet another load of firewood to add to my ever growing stack at home. I've stacked it head high and still I have loads and loads to haul.

I have always loved trees and it is sad to see them cut into pieces for the fire. But at least they were not just hauled away to some landfill somewhere or left to rot. They will be well used this winter and they will bring the wild smells into the house. And on the stormiest days we will be able to think about the forest even if we cannot be out in it.

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