Saturday, November 1, 2008

A series of unfortunate events

The day started off as pleasant as can be expected, lunch with friends on the boat and a beautiful view.

Sunshine and warm weather pulling everyone out of their doldrums. And a gift of a treadmill to keep the pups focused all winter.

The trout were splashing merrily in the shallows and dogs enjoying a day out.

Flowers were blooming in places, so oblivious to the calender.

I loaded firewood while the puppies played in the gravel.

And soon we were off on a walk with a whole day in front of us.

It felt like summer had come to roost after days of miserable cold weather.

I explored while puppies played and it did not seem a day of much note.
Crows chased songbirds among the upper canopy.

Even a light jacket was too much coverage for the day.

And I thought there is no place else we need to be today.

Then the dogs set a rabbit to flight and his outcome was dire.

So I stepped in with the firmness dog ownership demands, with much regret for one surprised and outnumbered rabbit, and made the rules clear.

And cut our day in the sun short so that they might consider the ramifications.

And thought for a moment that signs and portents are indeed wafting on the air.

And it is time for changes.

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