Thursday, October 16, 2008

A day to cherish, unexpected encounters

It was just one of those absolutely perfect days which started with lunch with the boss in a gorgeous spot, perfect weather, high spirits and an afternoon to go enjoy the weather in spite of stacks of work waiting for my attention.

I enjoy being busy, it makes those moments I get away so much better.

Charm is being a tripod the last couple of days. I can't find anything wrong and we have encouraged her to no end after her last "owie" I am keeping an eye on that. Note to self: when you teach a dog to react everytime you ask "how's your foot" have a hard time determining if its real or not.

It was one of those perfect days; sun and calm and fresh.

I just can't complain too much about Wisconsin weather.

The leaves along the trail are so breathtaking that I have learned long ago it is almost futile to capture it as a whole.

The mushrooms are seriously lacking or late and I am thinking it won't be until November that the true shrooming begins.

Everywhere there are such extraordinary color swatches it would keep an interior decorator busy for a lifetime trying out the combinations.

We startled a pair of ducks on the lake, always a rare sight. Generally ducks don't seem to enjoy the deep water there. Or maybe the cliffs make taking off difficult?

We hiked up to the top into the sun.

Charm, Ripley and I were exploring while Domino lagged behind, when all of a sudden Charm started barking.

Out of the trees came two large dogs, a lab and a chow mix. The lab immediately jumped Charm with me in between. I yelled and Ripley came running and the lab jumped Ripley. Whoever was in charge of the dogs chose to hightail it instead of coming to the rescue. I give Charm and Ripley credit, they listened to me and retreated. But the lab wasn't going to. So I finally backed him down and they took off. The owner never made an appearance during all the ruckus. Domino finally showed up to see what was going on.

Luckily Charm and Ripley weren't hurt, and Domino had lagged behind. But that was one aggressive lab for sure! For a second I thought I was going to lose Charm over the edge!

At least I know mine listen...otherwise it would have been bad.

Ripley has no fear and she keeps a level head.

So I settled Charm down and we went about our hike.

And Charm found a pocket in the rocks and sulked.

We all took some time to enjoy the view and the breezes up above.

Not even unexpected encounters could dampen our spirits for long.

As bright as it was when we began, the sun began to fall so fast that we picked up the pace.

The final sparks of sun touching a few trees here and there.

Until dropping to mere embers along the way.

Domino took a dip in the lake...and I think he is maybe a cold weather dog because he is always looking for ways to cool off. So off on our way we were...another adventure, another sunset, another car ride with soaking wet Domino.

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