Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wake me up when it's time to walk...

After an early morning vet appointment for the dogs, who were very good, by the way. Just vaccinations and their annual heartworm tests and starting Domino on his Lyme's series...both were in great shape and got smiley faces on their charts! I was so tired I fell asleep and Marja and Ra woke me up by dropping by to see if I was up for a walk...and I was.

I spotted a fallen bird's nest.

The wood violets are still in full bloom.

And things continuing to sprout.

Domino was in high spirits. He had to split up his vaccines into two appointments to avoid a demodex outbreak. But nothing slows Domino down.

So Ra, Domino and Charm were off down the trail.

And Marja and I wandered off on our individual side trips with our cameras.

We stopped to visit with the owl for a bit.

And had to sidetrack back for a moment to answer a question on my decorating project. So Ra and Marja waited.

Ra is a happy dog and always sticks right by Marja's side.

It was windy everywhere, but nice inside the forest. The forest was filled with strange sounds from the trees rubbing together.

It was even nice up on top of the cliffs.

The lilacs are opening more and more each day on the sunny side and still buds in the shadows.

But they smell heavenly.

It is beginning to look vaguely like summer.

I really wished this turned out of Ra leaping logs, but we were losing light...but good job Ra, you could definitely tackle agility.

So another day, another walk and one more vet appointment this week at the crack of dawn. I will survive I think.

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