Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome surprises, surprises in general

Dogs and I were off today to run errands and get in a quick walk even though the wind was a bit chilly.

What a pleasant surprise when we pulled in and my daughter pulled in behind us to join us on a walk!

She must bring good luck because the owl was sitting by the trail, surveying his kingdom.

Just at that moment Domino was a flash in the woods in pursuit, of all things, a fox! The fox made a clever escape and Domino was so flustered. I have never seen a fox in the woods before. I think he was maybe hunting groundhogs in Domino's favorite spot and Domino surprised him. I was more worried about Domino than the fox, so it was back on a leash.

But he was released to join Charm for a swim while Marja and I stopped to look at rocks and she pointed out the moss blooming.

So I thought this photo which combines her love for geology and my love for growing things would be a good comment on our explore.

These things were so teeny, tiny, it is amazing a grass even exists on that scale.

The bushes are beginning to bloom right on schedule to welcome May.

Trees have the oddest blooms.

But I think they are some of my favorite flowers.

The first dandelions were opening...weeds for some, in the forest they are welcome additions.

Marja spotted a feather off the trail.

And I ventured out on a ledge for some closeups.

We sat in the sun enjoying the view and the brief moments when the sun came out.

It was definitely nice to get to spend some time together.

Just dogs and clouds.

Watching Domino swim down below and charge back up the trail.

Even a turkey vulture put in an appearance.

Charm got a chance to dry off after swimming.

So it was the best sort of day.

And Domino got to show off his passion for rocks.

On our way back the owl still sat, not concerned at all with our presence.

And in the rock garden, the first blooms were appearing.

A nice walk shared by all with lots of surprises along the way.

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