Monday, December 15, 2008

Beginnings of Yule...

It is nice to be finally settling into some holiday spirit after a busy year and especially nice after so many years of doing it for the toystore and not so much for me. Gordon bought me a pretty blue poinsettia.

It's nice to have flowers to brighten up the dreary winter.

I finally got my tree up and half decorated. Only Mim was much interested in the process and Fable helped by scattering everything all over the house.

Charm slept on the couch and Domino went to bed so it was just me and Mim.

But this year is nice because of having family back in the area. And it's nice to put out things from my parents to make them feel closer.

Christmas is just sparkles and nostalgia.

With a storm howling outside and the wind chill hitting below zero, all was cozy inside.

Domino was not too impressed with the tree, though he did grab the tree skirt to see if he might be able to drag the tree around the with pits, gotta love 'em!

And Fable kept it lively by pouncing on toy mice...I guess some creatures were stirring.

So as the wee hours creep up and the wind stops its howling, all has turned to ice and cold and pits and I are off to dream of suger plums and rawhide.

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