Saturday, April 18, 2009

PNW: Odds and Ends

Home at last and finally taken a moment to upload some of my fellow photographer's pictures of our trip through the Columbia Gorge.

We were so blessed to have the weather we did on this trip.

It is one of the spectacular scenic drives in the United States, especially if you stay on the Washington side of the gorge which has numerous pullouts and lends itself to meandering.

I think I could probably spend decades exploring there.

There is just an infinite number of things to see and absorb and I am so glad I was able to take a little time away to enjoy it.

There is nothing quite so green as the Pacific Northwest and beautiful days far outweigh the rain.

I think it is the first time I have been on the coast and not made an effort to visit the ocean, but the gorge is so worth seeing that I can leave the ocean until another time.

I did have a stunning view of Mt. Hood, where I spent college weekends skiing.

And like all days spent with the camera, it is the quest which is the best part.

And sometimes the pictures you work hardest at are the most elusive.

I did get a chance to spend some time at my brother's house and with my furry nephews, Buddy and Jack. Such brilliant dogs!

Marja picked me up at the airport after a long all night flight. I was so happy to see the puppies waiting in the car! I MISSED my puppies. On the way home we spotted a fire on the horizon.

So we took a detour and followed it and it was only a farmer burning his fields, not very common around here.

As nice as it is to travel, it is always wonderful to be home again. And so I am, with puppies at my feet.

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